Time Traveling in Windows Server 2012 R2

Two days ago my college mentioned, that the system-time of our terminal-server is wrong.

yes, indeed – it is one hour wrong.

i dont need to tell you what bunch of problems a wrong time can cause in a actual computersystem!

the best part is: we cannot fix it!

we can configure another timezone, than we see the correct time for us, but the system still has the wrong time so logon on some systems does not work because cookies have a timeout for 30 minutes and these are already timed out before they could be used because of the wrong time!


i tried to setup another NTP-Source with

  • w32tm /config /manualpeerlist:"0.de.pool.ntp.org,Ox8 1.de.pool.ntp.org,Ox8 2.de.pool.ntp.org,Ox8 3.de.pool.ntp.org,Ox8" /syncfromflags:manual /reliable:yes /update
  • w32tm /config /update
  • net stop w32time
  • net start w32time

…on our local system, on the Domain-Controller…

i tried to disable the w32time, correct the time manual…

but whatever i do, windows automatically sets the time back to the wrong time!

and this problem is out now since over 24 hours – and no response from Microsoft…no update – no help. nothing.





I got the solution now! I changed the time-settings on the Hypervisor, on which the virtual machines with the wrong time ran – i could just change the timeserver, than the time from the hypervisor was correct immediatly. after that, i went over to the console of the VMs and changed the time manually to the correct time and it didn’t change back to the wrong time as before! so now everything works.

without a good sense about technical connections and constructions and a lot of experience i would still have to deal with the wrong time…..so…. again, thank you MICROSOFT FOR THIS AWESOME PEACE OF BULLSHIT!

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